Goldberg Gets His Matches

Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho make their way to the ring, talking about their friendship and championships around their waists. This prompts Goldberg to interrupt and make his way down to the ring. Goldberg accepts Brock Lesnar’s challenge for a match at WrestleMania. Soon after, he wants a match for the WWE Universal Championship against Kevin Owens. Chris Jericho gets into his face and says he never liked him. Goldberg grabs his list and puts his name on it. Jericho then accepts the match for his best friend, Kevin Owens, at WWE Fastlane.
I loved the interaction between all three men. I think Goldberg cut his best promo tonight and really got the crowd behind him for his championship request. When I see Goldberg and Jericho, I immediately think of “what could have been” in WCW. Now, you see two men who went completely different successful paths, but still on a track to potentially fighting one another down the road.
Even though I dislike Goldberg as champion, it will be interesting to see how the match is scripted. If Owens lasts too long, it devalues Brock Lesnar. If it goes too short, what was the point of Kevin Owens’ reign? It is similar to how CM Punk dropped the title to The Rock. Did it need to happen? Not necessarily, but it did put the title on a Hollywood star before the biggest event in Sports Entertainment. Business wise, I get it. I just don’t like it as a fan.
How To Book The Tag Team Division
Two tag team matches, one for the RAW Tag Team Champions took place on WWE RAW. First was the RAW Tag Team Championship match, as Anderson and Gallows squared off against Sheamus and Cesaro. After a tough and physical fight, Gallows would end up booting Enzo Amore (who was on the outside) and then get hit with a Big Cass boot to cause the disqualification. This means the champions retained via disqualification.
Later in the night, a surprisingly good match between The New Day and The Shining Stars took place. Xavier Woods was the whipping boy throughout, which took place until a hot tag from Big E. He would clean house and then hit the Big Ending with Woods assisting from the top.
So, what does this all mean? When you look at the recent booking, WWE is so nervous to have tag teams lose clean. Heels or faces are being booked with so much protection on a week to week basis, not something that they are booking for the long term. WWE Fastlane should feature Sheamus and Cesaro vs. Anderson and Gallows. WrestleMania should feature Enzo and Cass involved in the match somehow. It has been 10 months for Enzo and Cass to debut and just a little less for Anderson and Gallows. They have had some feuds, but nothing where it was circulated around them. It has always been about The New Day.
If I am WWE, The New Day vs. Enzo and Cass vs. Anderson and Gallows vs. Sheamus and Cesaro should be booked for WrestleMania. All of them are entertaining in their own ways, could make for 1-2 months of entertaining television and really could give one team much needed separation from the pack. When you have tag team depth, utilize it to the fullest.
United States Championship Match
Zayn takes Jericho over with an arm drag. After locking up again, Jericho locks in a top wrist lock. Zayn flips out of it and puts Jericho in his own top wrist lock. Jericho manages to get to the ropes. Zayn paint brushes Jericho and tells him to come on. Jericho charges Zayn, but Zayn takes him over with multiple deep arm drags. Jericho retreats to the outside. Zayn chases Jericho around the ring. Jericho rolls into the ring and as Zayn rolls in Jericho hits a basement dropkick. Jericho traps Zayn into the corner and chokes Zayn with his boot. Zayn surprises Jericho with a top rope body press for a two count. Dropkick by Zayn. Jericho is sent careening to the outside. Zayn takes Jericho out with a topé con hilo.
After the break, Jericho is choking Zayn with the ropes. Jericho hits the ropes and runs right into a stiff lariat by Zayn. Zayn attempts a dropkick, but Jericho hooks the ropes, causing Zayn to miss. Jericho hits the lionsault for a near fall. Jericho tries a running elbow in the corner, but Zayn catches him and hits an exploder into the corner. Zayn calls for the Helluva kick, but Jericho reverses it into a Walls of Jericho attempt. Zayn reverses that into a pinning combination, but Jericho kicks out. Blue thunder bomb for another two count by Zayn. Zayn tries a rope walk DDT, but Jericho slips out and turns it into the Walls of Jericho. Zayn manages to get to the ropes. Owens superkicks Zayn through the ropes. Jericho lands the Codebreaker for the win.
Another smooth match from Chris Jericho and Sami Zayn. As Mick Foley continues to be a backer for Zayn, I expect this match to be added to WWE Fastlane with no outside interference. There has to be a time where Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho are either banned or they cost one another their championships. Sami Zayn is a youngre Jericho, with more innovation and less character. I like both men and enjoy their fights, as they know when to hit their moves and barely miss a step in transitions. They keep it simple and entertaining, with a sprinkle of exciting offense. Who would NOT want to see these guys fight another round or two?