Dolph Ziggler vs. Kalisto

Quicker than a hiccup, as Dolph Ziggler hit a big superkick to take care of Kalisto in very short fashion. He would yell at JBL and look to attack Kalisto with a chair, but Apollo Crews made the save.
So, Apollo and Kalisto are best friends since two weeks ago. If you want people to really invest in a Dolph Ziggler heel turn, how about you give him someone IMPORTANT to work with? A kick to Jerry Lawler last week and now back to Kalisto and Apollo. It just seems very forced and trying to do SOMETHING to make Apollo Crews important.
Lumberjack Main Event
I still cannot get on board with Dean Ambrose. I have tried time and time again, but I just do not find him entertaining in the ring. I can appreciate his work outside of it, but he is a guy that needs something new. A new look, a new gimmick and a new haircut. He looks sloppy to me in the ring and really does not do anything for me.
Tonight was a prime example of why I hate Lumberjack Matches. It ruins the flow of the story inside the ropes and really focuses on the wrong people. Ambrose wins and a brawl ensues with superstars on the outside. Corbin shows signs of dominance and then Ambrose gets him some. This all is to hype the Royal Rumble, which I get. Is there any chance a superstar from Smackdown Live wins? Absolutely not. You end RAW with The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg. You end Smackdown with Dean Ambrose, Baron Corbin and The Miz. Talk about a disparage between talents.