(Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “Why Heel Ziggler Works and Miz’s Next Move”

New Intercontinental Champion

the miz
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Result via WZ Live Coverage:

Ambrose immediately spears Miz after the bell rings. Ambrose goes to the ground and pound attack, but Miz rolls out of the ring. Ambrose chases Miz around ringside. Miz stomps on Ambrose’s ribs. Ambrose drives Miz to the corner. Ambrose stomps on Miz’s chest. Ambrose with a series of knife edge chops in the corner. Ambrose kicks Miz in the gut. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Miz again rolls out of the ring. Miz takes awhile to get back in the ring. Ambrose with a boot to the gut of Miz. Ambrose tosses Miz to the outside.

Miz is trying to hyper extend the knee of Ambrose. Miz is setting up for the Figure Four Leg Lock, but Ambrose shoves him away. Ambrose goes for the Lunatic Lariat, but Miz blocks it. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ambrose counters with another roll up for a two count. Ambrose connects with the swinging neck breaker. Ambrose goes for the cover, but Miz kicks out at two. Ambrose goes back to the top rope. Miz lands a big left hand. Miz and Ambrose battle for position on the top rope. Miz goes for a superplex, but Ambrose repeatedly headbutt’s Miz.

Ambrose sends Miz crashing to the canvas. Maryse hops onto the ring apron to distract Ambrose. Ambrose goes for another elbow drop, but Miz counters with the Skull Crushing Finale for a two count. Miz lands a series of YES! kicks across the chest of Ambrose. Miz goes for the leg lariat, but Ambrose ducks out of the way. Miz lands a big boot, but Ambrose responds with the Lunatic Lariat.

 Ambrose clotheslines Miz over the top rope. Ambrose connects with the suicide dive. Maryse again talks smack to Ambrose. Maryse slaps Ambrose in the face right in front of the referee. Ambrose tells the referee to eject Maryse from ringside. Referee Dan Engler officially ejects Maryse from ringside. Miz hits Ambrose in the back  of the head with the Intercontinental Championship behind the referee’s back. Miz goes for the cover, but Ambrose kicks out at two. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ambrose counters with Dirty Deeds to pickup the victory.
A sub-par Smackdown Live ends on a high note, as a new champion is crowned. I find it amazing that TWO previous World Champions are carrying the mid card titles, especially considering how both men have been viewed by management. I enjoy how WWE has built The Miz, but I am questioning the decision to take that championship off of him so soon and on a Smackdown Live episode. There has to be bigger plans in store for The Miz, right?
Would anyone complain about Miz/Cena at WrestleMania? I would MUCH rather prefer Miz and Daniel Bryan, but we all know that this is very unlikely. If WWE has plans for that match, sign me up. If not, what is the point for The Miz to drop the title? I do not want Miz/Cena in a championship match at WrestleMania. Give that to someone else and focus on Undertaker/Cena. Whichever way they go, I hope WWE realizes that The Miz is their most consistent heel in quite some time and his momentum needs to carry on, not falter with a lack of creative direction.
WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Live Rating:

WZ 6