Charlotte vs. Dana Brooke

As Bayley comes out and talks about her being the number one contender, she is quickly interrupted by Charlotte. Her lawyers overturn the match from last week and they will fight again. This time, Dana Brooke is the referee.
As Brooke gets involved, she is hit with a Bayley to Belly. This allows some action from Charlotte and Bayley until Bayley hits her finisher on the champ. Another referee comes out, but Dana comes to her senses. Charlotte uses a distraction from Dana that lets her pick up the win.
Screwjobs. This is going to be the theme for the next month or two, so be prepared. Bayley should be booked like Daniel Bryan was heading into WrestleMania XXX, where he would constantly get screwed over time and time again until he finally earned his way into the main event. Bayley is organic and natural, one of the bright spots over the past 15 months in WWE and NXT. This feud can elevate her, especially since she is working with the best, to greater heights. Writers just need to beware and make sure she does not completely get buried time and time again, finding new and creative ways for her to overcome obstacles.
Neville defeated TJ Perkins
Cruiserweight action as the crowd in Chicago has dueling chants for TJ Perkins, who is an excellent wrestler but his gimmick bothers the mature audiences. TJP gets Neville in the tree of woe and then kicks him in the head. He hits the wrecking ball dropkick and then a gutbuster for two. TJP shows off his strength and catches Neville in mid air, rolling him into a knee bar. Nerville sits on TJP and grabs his tights for the win.
I love this Neville, but I do think the match should have been scripted more on the offensive side for Neville. He needs to show ruthless aggression and intensity every week. It seemed as if they wanted Perkins to look strong and Neville to be the cowardly heel. That contradicts everything he did last week, so a decision needs to be made. What kind of heel do you want Neville to be? I prefer what we saw last week, not last night.
Later in the night, Rich Swann defeated Arya Daivari in a quick Cruiserweight bout, but Neville attacked him after the match. He destroys the champion, throwing him into the LED board on the side of the ring and then hitting his finisher on his back. Talk about making a quick impact and being dominant. This might be one of the pleasant surprises of late 2016. Neville brings so much to the table and a jolt of energy and new personality. The division is finally taking shape.