Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho

Seth Rollins vs. Jericho was a match that did not need a title around it. Seth Rollins wants Triple H and will fight through whoever to get it. Tonight was the veteran in Chris Jericho. A technical bout, as you would expect, gave Jericho and Seth Rollins a solid 15+ minutes of action. The amount of counters was almost too much, but worked in favor of telling the story of the match. Jericho reversed a handful of Pedigree attempts, countered with a Lionsault and Walls of Jericho. As Seth battled out of it, he was able to toss Jericho the outside and connect with a flying knee. Back into the ring, Seth Rollins gets in control. That is, until Kevin Owens makes his way out. He tries to help Jericho, but Jericho looks angry and gets hit with a Pedigree. The Architect picks up the win and Jericho/Owens get closer to splitting up for good.
It was a solid match with really good offense. It was exactly what you expected, but that did not take away from how fun it is to see Chris Jericho work with some of the younger guys on the roster. The next few months are all about Seth Rollins overcoming obstacles so he can square off against Triple H. As for Chris Jericho, there is a money feud with Kevin Owens. When will it happen? Before tonight, I expected The Royal Rumble. After what happened later on, maybe WWE is milking it all the way until Orlando. Either way, good match and more developments heading into 2017.
Did Jericho Finally Turn on Owens?