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Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “New Contenders Mean Absolutely Nothing”

New Number One Contenders

wwe smackdown live

Smackdown Live featured a Battle Royal to determine new number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championships. When it was all said and done, Zack Ryder outlasted everyone else and picked up a victory for his team. Mojo came back to celebrate and it looks like they will be getting a championship match in the near future.

Zack Ryder is really good. In fact, I would consider him underrated in the ring. A good look, good personality and an easy connection with the crowd is why Zack is in the spot he is. No matter what time of year, if WWE needs someone they can rely on him. With that being said, I am not buying into Hype Bros for a few reasons. I do think that Mojo Rawley is forced down our throats in a very bad way. His energy level is too high and brings an ignorance and fake feel to it. The funny thing is he might be the most real to his personality.

The fans want serious, intriguing and deep characters. That is why they want to cheer for The Wyatt Family. Mojo Rawley is not that. He is basic, simple and a common man in a superstar’s body. Yes, we can root for the common man, but not someone who reminds you of a drunken idiot at a tailgate. This might come off as me ripping Mojo, but it shouldn’t. He is talented, but going so far over the top is ultimately going to harm his development. This will be a one-off feud, one where Zack and Mojo are nothing but a transitional team heading into bigger and better things for Wyatt and Orton in 2017.

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Carmella vs. Natalya

The two women involved in the “who did it?” storyline with Nikki Bella battle on Smackdown Live. The match was what I expected, as Carmella used some cheap shots to get the early advantage. She would apply a chokehold, a bronco buster and then a few clotheslines. Nattie came back hard, hitting a big suplex and then a few more ground and pound moves. As Natalya hit her with a big elbow, she turned to Nikki at the announce table and said she was not the person who attacked her. This gave Carmella enough time to roll her up and pick up the win.

A decent match between the two and smart booking for WWE. Make Natalya out to be sympathetic while Carmella continues to be built like a weasel. I love what they are doing with Carmella, focusing a dramatic angle around her and who she is putting blame on. Carmella feels like the high school girl that bullies everyone and it suits her. If she will not be paired with Enzo and Cass, she should do this. One small thing I would change is the beginning of her theme song. The two to three seconds in the beginning is slow and dull. It gets too quiet and the crowd is not quite there to make a big pop for her. It just sounds bad. 

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