Getting More Personal

Carmella gets more personal on Nikki Bella before their match at WWE TLC. She begins to talk about Total Bellas and her relationship with John Cena. She talks about rearranging her face and the E! Network not being able to have a second season. Nikki rushes to the ring and spears her. The women brawl in the ring until a referee separates them. Carmella rushes to the back.
As much as many people want to see Carmella back with Enzo and Cass, this is the best opportunity for her personally. If she is back with them, she is completely overshadowed and cannot produce in the ring. She would be used sparingly and without much rhyme or reason. She is getting better and better at shooting off the cuff. A great example is when the crowd asks how she was doing tonight and she quickly responded with ” I’ll be doing a lot better when I leave this place.” I think she gets the business, but time will tell. It is not a bad pairing against Nikki, who has been successful as both heel and face. I feel Nikki is just a natural heel, so this face run of hers could be a reason why there is not as much heat on Carmella as there should be.
Ambrose Asylum with James Ellsworth
Dean Ambrose welcomes the newest superstar to Smackdown Live. They talk about Ellsworth beating Styles three times and who he is rooting for at WWE TLC. This brings out the champion, who attacks both men. He ends up taking out Ambrose and then hits a Styles Clash off the steep steps and onto the floor on James Ellsworth. The jokes and games are over for the champ that runs the camp.
We all know my opinion on the involvement of James Ellsworth in this WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FEUD. When the segment ends with them focusing on Ellsworth, I feel that this is a problem. They made up with it a bit later during a backstage segment that showed Dean Ambrose attack AJ Styles, but I just want AJ Styles to be taken seriously as World Champion. When you look at both world championship feuds, RAW is more interesting and more realistic. It just seems like developing a guy like Ellsworth is more important than a heel championship run from AJ Styles. We can pray that WWE TLC is the end of this feud, but you never know. The segment ended great, but took too much time really getting to the climax.
If I am WWE, I make a huge impact at WWE TLC to get people talking. Immediately get the next man in line for Styles, giving us a reason to tune in Tuesday. Being in Texas, I wonder if WWE has contacted a certain legend.