Becky Lynch vs. Natalya

The Smackdown Live Women’s Champion took on Natalya in Ottawa tonight. Becky unloads with some forearms and an uppercut before she heads up to the top. Nattie drops her from the heights and hits a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. Thing slow down when submission holds are in tact. Natalya stomps on her chest and then hits a Michinoku Driver. She can only get a two count and Becky comes firing back. Clotheslines and a forearm, folllowed by a thrust kick, grounds the challenger. A bexplex and Becky reverses a Sharpshooter into a DisArm Her. Natalya taps out, but Alexa Bliss attacks Becky. She hits a DDT and walks out standing tall.
An average match with a few nice spots. Maybe it is just me, but Natalya does absolutely nothing for me. When working with Becky, Alexa and others Natalya seems a step slow and just not connecting with a crowd other than Canadians. The intrigue of her possibly winning is simply not there, but I do enjoy the development of Alexa Bliss. Out of the new women on Smackdown, she certainly has stepped up her game. I expect a solid match between the two at WWE TLC. Alexa may not win, but the booking of the match will tell you what WWE feels in her moving into 2017.
Baron Corbin vs. Kane
The match only gets started for a few minutes until chaos ensues. Kalisto comes out with a chair and tries to use it on Baron Corbin. Kalisto hits a dropkick and then kicks him in the leg to knock him down. Corbin is preyed into getting back in the ring, while Kalisto throws a chair at him and kicks it in his face.
Well, this was better than I expected. Kalisto is finally showing some balls here in this feud and finally gets some sort of upper hand. He is limited in storytelling, as his mask and broken English does not help, but this was solid. Give Kalisto more of an opportunity to show that he can get a little extreme and fight off a much bigger opponent. Remember that time he beat Ryback?