Women’s Tag Team Match

Sasha Banks and Bayley take turns chopping Charlotte. Charlotte surprises Bayley with a running back elbow. Charlotte tags in Jax. Jax runs over Bayley. Jax tosses Bayley to the outside. Brooke clotheslines Bayley while the Referee isn’t looking. Charlotte and Jax take turns beating down Bayley. Bayley turns Charlotte’s suplex into a monkey flip. Bayley manages to tag in Banks. Banks hits a running knee to Charlotte followed by her jumping double knee strike in the corner. Jax hits the ring. Bayley and Banks double suplex her. Banks tries to lock in the Banks Statement, but Charlotte reverses it into a pin. Banks kicks out and locks in the Banks Statement for the win.
For the third time in as many months, Sasha Banks will get a championship match on RAW from Charlotte, NC next week. I assume WWE does not care about faces or heels right now and if they get booed or cheered. I enjoy this feud, but has it worn out? I mean, two championship matches a month is what they are seemingly doing, with Charlotte always getting the upper hand at the end. How can you top Hell in a Cell right now? That was a historic moment.
With the events at Survivor Series and Nia Jax coming out tonight, you would expect Bayley to be next in line. I can easily see Nia destroy Sasha next week, giving Charlotte another and potentially move on to Bayley.