Baron Corbin Hurts His Knee

This was the strangest part of Smackdown. Baron Corbin says that he will not compete in the main event of Smackdown, which makes Shane McMahon pull him from the Survivor Series match. Instead, he faces Kalisto and throws him all around the ring and to the outside. He “slips” and “hurts” his knee. Kalisto attacks him and targets the knee, which causes the match to be a No Contest.
Taking Baron out of the match was odd and not really logical to me. I was confused why they would make a change with only one week apart from the addition. If he was really hurt, I will understand more. It did not seem like it, especially when Kalisto went and attacked his knee after the slip. So, make your own conclusion. Did WWE realize that the Survivor Series match needed someone that would raise eyebrows? Are they not sold on Baron Corbin? I have more questions than answers regarding “The Lone Wolf.”
WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
Bliss irish whips Becky shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Bliss launches Becky back first to the steel ring steps. Bliss rolls Becky back into the ring. Bliss applies an armbar using the middle rope for leverage. Bliss keeps hold of the armbar. Bliss with a hair whip to the canvas for a one count. Bliss continues to work on the arm of Becky. Bliss with a drop toe hold that sends Becky face first to the bottom turnbuckle. Bliss bounces Becky’s wrist on the ring apron. Bliss continues to apply more pressure to shoulder of Becky. Bliss with a knee drop to the shoulder of Becky. Bliss applies a short-arm scissors hold.
Becky and Bliss battle for position on the top rope. Bliss goes for Tornado DDT, but Becky blocks it. Becky goes for a exploder suplex, but Bliss plants her with a DDT for a two count. Bliss goes for a flying splash off the second rope, but Becky drives her boot tot he midsection of Bliss in mid-air. Becky with a O’Connor Roll for a two count. Bliss responds with a rollup of her own for a two count. Becky gets Bliss in the DisArmHer and Bliss begins to tap, but her foot was on the bottom rope. The referee doesn’t see Bliss’s foot on the bottom rope and calls for the bell.