
Isenberg Reacts: WWE NXT “A Perfectly Glorious Bombshell’s Return”

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic


Results via WZ Live Coverage:

Headlock takeover by Dorado. leapfrog drop down spot, into an arm drag by Perkins. Dorado reverses it and locks in an armbar. Perkins reverses it, Dorado and Perkins both kip up at the same time. Perkins tags in Ibushi and Dorado tags in Ali. Ibushi and takes Ali down with a test of strength spot. Ibushi tries to leap onto Ali to break his bridge, but Ali won’t go down. Ibushi stands Ali up, but Ali springboards off the ropes and dropkicks Ibushi. Ibushi responds with a dropkick of his own. After a short break, Perkins is working a front chancery. Perkins turns that into multiple suplexes. Perkins locks in the knee bar, but Ali gets to the ropes. Ali hits a straight right hand and sends Perkins to the outside. Ali feints a dive, but Dorado leaps over Ali onto Perkins. Dorado tosses Perkins back into the ring. Dorado dives off the top with a crossbody onto Perkins for a near fall. Ali locks in bicycle stretch. Ali hits a rolling leaping neck breaker for a two count.

Ibushi calls for the Golden Star Power Bomb, but Dorado flips out of it and slaps him in the face. Ali hits the ring as well, but Dorado and Ali eat a double Pelé kick by Ibushi. Ibushi whips Dorado into the corner. Ibushi charges, but Dorado gets his boot up. Dorado runs right into a power slam by Ibushi. Ibushi hits a second rope moonsault. Perkins tags himself in and he dives off the top and frog splashes Dorado. Ali breaks up the pin. Perkins sends Ali to the outside. I

Perkins sends Ali to the outside. Ibushi lands the golden triangle moonsault on Ali. Perkins hits the wrecking ball dropkick. Perkins tries to roll up Dorado, but Dorado sits on Perkins’ shoulders in an attempt to pin him. Ibushi breaks up the cover. Ali tags in  tags in levels Ibushi with an enziguri. Perkins locks in the knee bar. Ali taps almost immediately.
The tag team classic picked up some heat to end NXT this week and the match was excellent. Do you expect anything different with these four men? They gave us exciting action in the CWC and now are called upon to fill a longer main event than we have seen in NXT over the past few weeks. I really liked tonight’s show because it focused on wrestling and focused on the continued build of a few tag teams. Hideo Itami’s injury hurt his stock, but helps TJP even more as being on RAW and now in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. He could use all the exposure he can get right now.
WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE NXT Rating:

WZZ 6.5


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