Carmella Exposes Nikki Bella

Carmella comes out and talks about how Nikki Bella got to where she is at today. Carmella talks about how Nikki would be nothing without John Cena, without her sister and without her looks. Nikki tries to defend herself, but Carmella strikes with a Total Divas video package showing an edit job of Nikki nagging her celebrity boyfriend. Carmella drops the mic and leaves.
It was so easy and logical to have Carmella cut a promo like this on Nikki Bella. This makes me understand more of why she continues to target Nikki. You can add jealously, add hatred and add physicality but you needed to HEAR her say all of this to fully invest and understand. Carmella cuts a great promo tonight and this can help her continue trying to get the upper hand on a more popular and polished woman in Nikki. I like how this has developed over the past two months. It is logical.
No Curt Hawkins…Again
Curt Hawkins cuts a quick promo on Apollo Crews and says he is going to beat him tonight and call him Apollo Lose. Apollo shoves him, which makes Curt not debut again in the ring. So, is this their answer for losing Eva Marie? Give the exact same gimmick to Curt Hawkins? It does make me anxious to see him compete, but seems a little out of nowhere. How long will they let THIS go on for?