Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho

Rollins whips Jericho into the ropes. Jericho rolls out of the ring. Rollins connects with the wrecking ball dropkick. Rollins sends Jericho back first into the barricade. Rollins with a flying axe handle off the ring apron. Rollins launches Jericho shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Rollins brings Jericho back into the ring. Kevin Owens music hits and comes out to the stage. Jericho kicks Rollins in the gut. Jericho drops Rollins rib first onto the top rope. Owens head down to the ring. Jericho stomps on Rollins shoulder. Rollins with a clubbing forearm to Jericho. Jericho drives his knee to the midsection of Rollins. Jericho places Rollins sternum first on the top rope. Jericho with a series of clubbing blows to the back of Rollins. Jericho with a running boot to Rollins in the corner. Rollins fires up with a slap/chop combination. Jericho gets Rollins trapped in the abdominal stretch. Rollins armdrags Jericho into the corner. Rollins launches Jericho face first into the second turnbuckle. Rollins and Jericho go back and forth with right hands. Rollins connects with the enziguri. Rollins with a series of running forearms. Rollins connects with the slingblade for a two count.
Rollins drops Owens with the suicide dive. Rollins with a enziguri from the ring apron. Rollins connects with a springboard knee drop for a two count. Rollins ascends to the top rope. Rollins goes for the Frog Splash, but Jericho rolls out of the way. Jericho connects with the LionSault for a two count. Rollins connects with a standing enziguri to Jericho in the corner. Jericho and Rollins battle for position on the top rope. Jericho goes for a flying double axe handle, but Rollins counters with a boot to the midsection. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Jericho counters with a roll through into the Walls of Jericho. Rollins small packages Jericho to pickup the victory. After the match Owens drops Rollins with the SuperKick. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Rollins gets back on his feet. Rollins gets Owens in position for the Pedigree, but Jericho attacks Rollins from behind. Jericho stomps on Rollins back. Rollins plants Jericho with the Pedigree.
With Chris Jericho needing a win to make WWE Hell in a Cell a Triple Threat Match, he brought his A game to the main event. When hasn’t Jericho brought his best as of late. “You Just Made The List” is hilarious. Stupid Idiot is hilarious. It seems like everything he says and does it magic right now. He is easily the most entertaining part of RAW and the main event was really good. I could make a case for him winning and him losing. I would love to see a Triple Threat Match at WWE Hell in a Cell, but understand why they would not want him there right now. Would he overshadow the younger guys? Absolutely. Speaking of the championship match, Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens do NOT need a Hell in a Cell match. Three in one night? Seriously, this is absurd. You know Rusev and Reigns will be physical in the ring, similar to Triple H and Batista. You know history will be made with Sasha and Charlotte. With Seth seemingly banged up each week, why would they want to try and put him in a dangerous position when you do not NEED to?