Goldberg is Coming

Well, all it took was one line on SportsCenter and Paul Heyman talking trash on Goldberg. Paul Heyman issues a challenge to Bill Goldberg from Brock Lesnar, saying that was the only blemish on his career in WWE. Soon after, Goldberg sends out a tweet that he is coming to RAW next week.
Paul Heyman is a wizard on the mic and did just enough to get everyone excited for next week. I am really interested to see how the rating are next week, with everyone knowing that Goldberg will be on RAW for the first time in over a decade. We will have plenty of time to talk about the match itself, which I think is booked for Survivor Series. Will it be interesting enough? Can they top WrestleMania XX? Does anyone care? I think the last question is the most pressing for me. Paul certainly knows what to do and say to get the live crowd behind it. I just worry that not many people CARE who Goldberg is and who care about seeing him wrestle. I will be interested in how he looks and performs, but it is going to take more than one match for me to care about Bill Goldberg again. I wouldn’t mind him making up for the disastrous year he had with WWE and going out on a high note. But, is Brock Lesnar really the main guy for him to fight now?
TJ Perkins Rebounds
The second Cruiserweight match of the night featured TJ Perkins vs. Daivari and was a really solid bout. With Brian Kendrick on commentary, you expected something to happen between the two men. Nothing did and Perkins made Daivari tap out after a pretty good match. I would have given them plenty of time to work, as both men are fast and their timing is spot on. Something I noticed during a brief backstage segment is that some fans began to boo TJ Perkins. I am not sure if there were so many Kendrick fans or if Perkins is ALREADY feeling forced. If I am WWE, I give Kendrick a heel promo to the crowd next week, blaming them for his previous exit from WWE. Nip it in the bud before this issue blossoms.