MizTV Dolphumentary

The Miz brings out Dolph Ziggler and then shows his career in an extremely entertaining video. The video shows his days as a male cheerleader, as his gimmick introducing himself and then all of the bad things that happened to him over his career. The Miz laughs and talks about how he is going to end his terrible career on Sunday. Dolph says he can’t let go and he cannot be the guy that quits, which is why he has put up with all of the highs and lows in his career. The Miz says he will defeat him and end his career, but to keep his spirits up. Kenny and Mikey from The Spirit Squad come out and dance, cheer and bash Ziggler. They begin to attack him, but Dolph hits a few superkicks. Miz tries to hit Skull Crushing Finale, but Dolph escapes and just misses connecting with a superkick. He is fired up and this is the final piece on their story heading into No Mercy.
Another home run for both men tonight, including the video and the involvement of Kenny and Mikey. I loved that idea and the fact that WWE is finally recognizing talents who used to have prior gimmick. It works for guys Dolph, ones who have evolved and changed for the better. It also isn’t such a HUGE transformation, something like Festus to Gallows. He is still somewhat a cocky and arrogant guy, but more real and less gimmicky.
One thing I really applaud is that WWE is making us forget that these two are actually good friends in real life. They come from the same area, the same generation and have had similar career paths. I look forward to Sunday and what hopes to be a championship change instead of a career clincher. These two are so damn good right now. They carry Smackdown and I could argue that this should end No Mercy.