Randy Hunts Down Bray Wyatt

I wanted creativity. I wanted something more than just Bray Wyatt on the screen and Randy Orton in the ring talking. Tonight was my Christmas because someone was listening. The night started like that, but Randy Orton would go through a few segments backstage looking for Bray. He saw a mask hanging on the way and makes his way to two doors. “I am a God” was on one of them and he opened it. He saw a cutout of himself, with the eyes missing, and closes the door. The other door says “Predator or Prey” on it, with Erick Rowan hiding in the corner. Randy Orton does not go in. Bray Wyatt begins to laugh in a dark area, but Randy Orton is right behind him in the sheep’s mask. As he takes the mask off, he waits for Bray to turn around. He does and The Viper attacks. He punches him and beats him down briefly until Wyatt is able to escape. Randy sits down, puts the sheep mask back on and the segment ends.
This was creative and took us through an entire night of developing details in their feud. We finally had them step outside of the ring and step into more possibilities. I find it ironic that this was the same city as the Boiler Room brawl because it had that Mankind/Undertaker feel to it from SummerSlam 1996. You had both men really get into their characters and I think Randy Orton is really enjoying how he is being booked right now. He is getting more creative and his attitude seems revamped from the normality of what we saw from him from 2014-2016. Either way, I got what I wanted and that was WWE letting these guys do something MORE.