wwe backlash

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Backlash “New Champions Show Smackdown Is Excelling”

WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship

All the women get rowdy in the ring, with Naomi and Becky Lynch starting things off.  A sidekick sends Carmella to the outside. Becky and Naomi focus on each other, with Becky working on the submission armbar. Naomi gets sent to the outside as Becky gets rung up on the ropes. Carmella hits some punches and a Hurricanranna. Becky gets into the ring and both women go at it. Nattie and Alexa clear the ring of the women and Alexa begins to take over. She hits some knees and then gets a two count. Nikki hits a nice springboard kick and begins to take over. Becky cleans the ring and gets pumped up with some nice moves. Nattie hits a German Suplex and Naomi follows with a Hurricanranna. Carmella hits a nice kick and panders to the crowd before she gets hit with Nikki’s offense. The women continue the impressive offense and showcasing all of their abilities. Alexa tries to pin a few times, but she does not come out successful. Nikki gets clotheslined by Carmella, with Naomi hitting the big splash on the outside. Alexa is the first one eliminated, thanks to a nice neckbreaker from the top.

The next elimination comes when Nattie makes Naomi tap to the Sharpshooter. Nikki hits her finisher onto Natalya to eliminate her, while Carmella rolls her up immediately to eliminate the Bella. Carmella slaps Becky Lynch and kicks her on the mat. Becky hits a Bec-Plex three times. Carmella hits a kick to the stomach and then locks in her submission hold to become the champion.

This was fast paced and a really good match to showcase all of the offensive strengths of each women. Alexa shined for a few minutes, while Carmella showed up to fight. I really enjoyed the flow and the pacing, with the young talent shining. Carmella had the excellent attitude that helped her and ultimately cost her the title. I wanted Becky to win, especially to give the title credibility from the very beginning. She is the best on Smackdown and this gives instant credibility. I want to see her feud with Alexa or Carmella first, giving those women a chance to fight for something important immediately.

WZ 7

The Hype Bros vs. The Uso’s

Jimmy and Jey get going early, slowing down Zack Ryder in the ring. Ryder hits a face first splash and then elbows into the corner. Jey drags out Jimmy, but Ryder crashes into him on the outside. Zack hits a dropkick from the apron and Mojo runs both of them over. Ryder ends up getting thrown to the outside and then the new heel tag team take over with some clotheslines. Zack is completely isolated for a few minutes, taking all of the physicality. Zack ends up hitting a neckbreaker off of a reversal and tries to tag in Rawley. The Uso’s double team Zack more and apply a headlock.

Mojo gets the tag and hits a few big splashes into the corner. He catches Jimmy and hits a body slam. Zack and Mojo try for their finisher, but Rawley gets dragged to the outside. More forearms and they both go up top. Ryder hits a hurricanranna, while Mojo gets thrown into the barricade. Knees to the face for Ryder, but he gets tripped up. The Uso’s finish off The Hype Bros with some double teaming moves and Ryder taps out with a half leg crab.

I really like a heel Jimmy and Jey Uso, with no colors and a solid black and white look. No face paint and they walked out with swag. The match was above average, with Jimmy and Jey taking advantage of their new gimmicks to add more moves. You needed to re-establish them as a credible team and this does not really hurt Mojo and Zack. I do like the appeal that The Uso’s have now and this is well overdue. A good match with some nice offense, an ability to make new moves while keeping the same psychology.

WZ 6


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