Isenberg Reacts: WWE NXT “Top Guys and Nakamura Carry Wednesday Night”

Steve Cutler vs. Kenneth Crawford


Cutler cuts a promo about not caring if people like, love or hate him. They talk about his military background and both men lock up. Wrist lock turns into Crawford reversing it. Cutler gets flipped over and Kenneth lands on his feet, gets back up and only gets hit with a forearm. Cutler punches him and hits forearms to the face. Crawford gets thrusted and thrown into the corner. Crawford kicks out of the corner, hits a combination of kicks and punches. A dropkick and he hits a running shooting star press. Crawford attacks the at the corner and Cutler hits a big boot. Cutler hits a Fisherman’s Driver modification and picks up the win.

I really wanted to see what they did in this match, with two guys relatively new to the crowd. Cutler looks naturally strong, but also looks like one of those ROTC guys in high school that might be too full of himself. Cutler could be a good heel, but you can tell both men are very green in the ring. Going through the motions is one thing and tonight was them basically making sure they did not mess up. It was very safe booking.

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No Way Jose vs. Angelo Dawkins

Both men lock up and Jose begins to dance and then hits a shoulder block. Jose flips over and hits a Curse of Greatness. Dawkins slugs him in the back and then whips him into the corner. Jose gets a shot to the face and then applied a head lock. Jose slaps and then kicks him. More shots to the gut and then more chops. Jose gets fired up and winds up for a big punch. Full Nelson Slam and Jose gets the win.

This match was about five minutes and if it was not for the crowd loving to attach themselves to a gimmick, this would have been bad. The energy of No Way Jose was there, but every time he tried to speed up, Dawkins could not really keep up. I wonder what the next feud for No Way Jose will be, because he is a guy that connects with the crowd and the fans are into it.

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Liv Morgan Continues To Win

Liv Morgan and Aliyah do battle, with Aliyah in control for a good part of the match. She hits some kicks and then a nice clothesline. She then hits s running body splash into the corner and then applies an arm/neck submission hold. Morgan kicks out and then begins to get rolling offensively. She hits a dropkick and then a few clotheslines. A bulldog and she flips back up . She eyes Aliyah and then a back spinning kick for the win.

Liv gets beaten down pretty quickly, but a few offensive moves and she picks up the win. Both women had some decent moves, but Morgan was overshadowed by the physicality of Aliyah. Liv Morgan has an INCREDIBLE look. Wow, she is stunning in the ring and I do think she could continue to get better and be an athletic and agile competitor. We still need to see more from her aside from being a pretty blonde.

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