Carmella vs. Nikki Bella

Nikki Bella is about to speak with Renee Young, but she’s laid out from behind by Carmella. Carmella drops Nikki with a thrust kick and a reverse STO. Carmella goes back to the ground and pound attack, grabbing her hair and punching her.. Carmella leaves, but comes back and hits Nikki with the Bella Buster.
This does more for Carmella than a 2-3 minute match. I liked the aggression from her, but I wonder if this is a heel turn. Nikki is such a born heel, I am not sure a flip of these two would do much for either. Carmella could’ve gotten more heat if she did this to Becky Lynch or even Naomi, right? I am hoping for the best and liked what I briefly saw out of a heel Carmella, but is the timing right? With Alexa, Eva Marie, Natalya and potentially Nikki I fear she might be forgotten sooner rather than later. I hope I am wrong because I did like this transition tonight.
Randy’s Fresh Feud
Randy Orton comes out and talks about how many people did not expect him to be here tonight. He talks about his fight with Brock Lesnar, but Bray Wyatt’s music hits and out comes The Eater of Worlds. He talks to Randy Orton and says he is a God and Gods do not die. He calls him to the ring, but the lights go out again and Bray Wyatt is gone.
I am all for this feud. Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt could really give us 2-3 months of excellent storytelling. Many of the complaints from Randy Orton over the years is that his storylines and matches were all the same. With Bray, they can really get more creative and use this as a stepping stone for something bigger for Bray. Every great feud over the years have had some sort of “Best of Three” series. Usually, you will get three straight contests and then the second or third being some sort of stipulation.
Bray and Randy are both going to be intriguing to watch and see how they are developed. Randy is hotter than before and Bray needs legit competition. Sign me up for this feud, with many possibilities for Bray to FINALLY thrive.