Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton

The main event of the night was a physical beating. Brock Lesnar took Randy Orton to suplex city and controlled 80 percent of the match. Randy Orton fought hard, fought with power and would also hit a nice RKO on the announce table. Brock would become enraged, unleashing blow after blow to Orton and cutting him wide open. The crowd was not sure what to expect, if it was real or if it was planned. As much as you want it to be real, and it came off like that, this was a great story.
I would NOT have ended the night like this, especially with the last scene being Shane McMahon taking an F-5. I was a mark, thinking someone or something crazy would happen. It ended with Lesnar looking unstoppable and many questions to be answered. I can see WWE using Brock and Randy as continued fuel in Smackdown vs. Raw heading into the later parts of 2016. There will be one more match between the two and it will become even more intense and personal. Fans want real. Well, this is as close to real as you will ever get. Compelling and it makes the fans HAVE to tune into Raw tonight to see what the hell is going to happen next. Mission accomplished, albeit maybe not the best ending to SummerSlam ever.