A Ruined Celebration, A Random Championship Match

Rusev and Lana come out to celebrate their wedding. They show photos of the wedding and begin to make fun of Americans. Out comes Roman Reigns, who talks about Rusev needing a best man. He begins to drink some champagne, toasts the couple and then begins to run down both of them. Rusev attacks Reigns, but it gets reversed. Rusev trips, pushing Lana into the wedding cake. Roman Reigns leaves as Lana is flipping out.
Later in the night, we get a random match between Cesaro and Rusev, which actually ends the night. With Cesaro, this was the second of two matches for him. His match with Sheamus was really good and this one was solid as well. We get Roman Reigns vs. Rusev for SummerSlam announced, but Cesaro almost becomes United States Champion. Sheamus interferes and costs him his chance at holding the title. Roman Reigns spears Rusev to end the night.
Okay, yeah. Did you follow along there? It is very confusing and more random than anything. Did WWE forget to book something to MAIN EVENT the night? Also, what is the point of Daniel Bryan coming to Raw when nothing was really accomplished? Yes, Cesaro was a guy that wanted to be on Smackdown, but that is somewhat of a moot point right now. Is this the beginning of potential trades between Raw and Smackdown? That could be a mess altogether.
Tonight showed us that WWE struggles with three hours of programming because they just do not have the detailed and depth in storylines to carry it consistently for 52 weeks. I am not extremely bored with tonight, but there were more negatives than positives. When you try to bring new talent in, but not legit talent to work with, what does it really accomplish? The New Era does NOT need to be built around ALL NEW SUPERSTARS. Use the guys you are comfortable with carrying feuds and let the young guys follow suit. Also, the Cruiserweight Division needs to appear sooner rather than later. That can help a 10-15 minute segment so we do not get 20 minutes of hot garbage each week.