Dry Humor and Developing Characters

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows are in a pre-recorded segment talking about injuring Big E and connecting his balls in a jar from a week ago. Dry humor and funny puns really drove this one minute video production from making it basic to really good. Fast forward to the match and Luke Gallows beats up Kofi Kingston. He catches Kofi in mid air and hits his finisher. They try to throw him into the post, but to no avail.
I really think WWE lets these guys come up with what they want to say and they fill in the blanks here and there. I love their dry humor, not trying to be over the top. We have a few of those tag teams on Raw already. I like Big E off of television for a week or two, making sure that his return is impactful and a last ditch effort to keep the WWE Tag Team Championships. A solid combination of humor and quick intensity in the ring helped the boys from Japan make a quick and effective statement.