Sami Zayn vs. Seth Rollins

Seth Rollinsand Sami main event Raw, somewhat, with a great battle. Rollins hit a powerbomb into the corner and then kicks him. Sami hits a driver suplex and gets a two count. Seth misses a big kick and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Seth gets to his feet and then Sami targets Rollins back. Seth hits a few elbows and then a spinning heel kick. Seth kicks him and tries to hit the Pedigree. Sami climbs the ropes for a DDT and wants to finish him off with the Helluva Kick. Seth rolls out of the way and he hits a Swanton Bomb to the outside. Sami goes up top and another counter. He misses his kick and Seth hits the Pedigree for the win.
Great action from both men tonight and Sami looked great. You get an excellent bell to bell contest, with Sami and Seth really emphasizing how similar their offense is. Seth has more of that special look to him and his offense. I loved this pairing and think that WWE knows Seth is their man in every area. He is heads and shoulders better than anyone else on a weekly basis.
The Beast is Back
Paul Heyman introduces Brock Lesnar, who comes out to cheers and Suplex City echoing the arena. Paul says Brock Lesnar will entertain the fans at SummerSlam. He calls Brock violent and says he is not supposed to use that word, but says he is standing next to Brock and can say whatever he wants to say. He hypes up Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar. He says do not listen to his voices in his head. He tells him to listen to his voice and says Brock Lesnar will beat him at SummerSlam. Randy Orton appears and hits an RKO. The crowd goes crazy and he gets pumped up as Raw goes off the air.
He is a master on the mic. He hypes up a feud or a match better than anyone else and he knows how to hype up a match. Randy Orton is being built back up into a monster and Randy Orton escapes with a great feel to it. He hits an RKO and immediately gives intrigue to this match. You did not need to hear each man talk to one another, but you did need The Viper come out and make an impact. Immediate impact and the first shot fired. Great ending for Orton, who gets hotter each week.