United States Championship

Mark Henry and Rusev do battle for the US Championship. Both men exchange blows and Rusev is thrown into the corner. Henry throws Rusev across the ring and then hits a head butt. He crushes Rusev through the ropes and Raw heads to a commercial break. Rusev is in control and tires to lock in The Accolade. Henry battles out and fights through. He hits a clothesline and another. Rusev ducks and hits a spinning heel kick and then a kick to the back of his neck.
Rusev kicks him in the back and applies The Accolade. Mark Henry taps out and Rusev retains the championship.
I did not mind the battle between the big men, but with three weeks left and there is no real feud or opponent for Rusev. What does this say? It says that there needs to be a big push for someone, someone who can really battle with Rusev. Enough of the 3 week feud. Rusev is a great competitor and getting so much heat right now, especially with Lana by his side.
I just hope there is a bigger picture and someone worthy of a championship match at SummerSlam. As I type this, Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring. Well, WWE wants Reigns face so what do they do? Give him a heel that hates the United States of America. I can get into this, even though Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns could have been special too. This could be their last ditch effort for Roman to turn face. Their quick striking was intense and I bought into it. Maybe it is me not hating Roman like everyone else, but this is refreshing and a feud that could be good for 2-3 months and rebuilding Reigns.
Darren Young vs. Titus O’Neil
Darren and Titus do battle on Raw. Former partners lock up and Titus hits a shoulder block. Darren slaps his hand and then chops him a few times. He powers through Darren and then slaps him in the chest. He gets his knees up and then Titus catches him in mid air. He tosses Darren to the ring and then barks to the crowd. A big splash and a two count. Darren fights out of a head lock and then Titus slams him once again. Titus ends up rolling up Young and picking up the win.
Not a bad match, but it was pretty random. Two faces. Two guys stuck in their careers. I just wonder what the point of a win would be for either of these guys.
Nia Squashes
Another night for Nia Jax and another squash. Like I said, I will give these matches a few weeks, but there has to be more character development. I liked Nia having Byron ask how she feels. Nia is so different and so strong for a woman. I like the potential.