Women Rule The Night

What an incredible night to be live and see Sasha Banks become the WWE Women’s Champion. She and Charlotte put on one hell of a match, focusing on high drama as soon as Dana Brooke got kicked out. Charlotte’s moonsault is the prettiest move I have seen since Lita’s. She gets it.
She gets the business and is a big reason why there is so much importance in this title now. She established real wrestling and Sasha is going to usher in even better feuds, more complex storylines and even greater matches. This was an excellent display of how far the WWE Women’s Division has come over the past few years. They can easily main event RAW going forward on certain weeks.
The Future of Finn
WWE RAW wanted fans, even if they were a small group of them, to know that they are going in a new direction with talent. Does this mean guys like Roman Reigns won’t be world champion again? No. Tonight was a night to spotlight that change, even if it ends up being only temporary. Seth Rollins and Finn Balor will fight at SummerSlam for the new WWE Universal Championship. Finn Balor won two matches tonight, one against a guy that everyone thinks is Vince’s “Boy.” Roman is good. Roman gets a reaction and is much better than 80 percent of people give him credit for. Finn Balor defined change, defined what we can (or can’t) expect. Was it worth just tonight? Will it be a long term change? These are questions NOBODY has the answer to.
I loved seeing Finn win for the sole purpose of WWE giving chances for new content. There is a reason ratings are dropped, so changes needed to take place. Credit to my buddy sitting next to me, but two matches should have had two sides of Finn. Why would they not paint him up for this BIG night in WWE Raw history? You do not need it every week, but I think the entire production would have been better if he did. This is a huge night for so many reasons and a new “character” was something that could have put it over the top. It was great and memorable, but something that small could have made it EPIC.