The New Day vs. The Wyatt Family

After a promo from The New Day, The Wyatt Family pop on the screen and talk about a battle. They want a battle since the beginning of time. Bray talks about how The New Day started it and invited them to their place of sanctuary. Xavier Woods looks freaked out Kofi/Big E tells them that they accept. Kofi says he is going to send positive vibes out there, but Woods yells at them to stop. He calls them dangerous and Woods says that they should be thinking about this before doing it. Woods says it has all been fun and games, but there is danger. Xavier says that he is not sure they will survive. He walks out.
A serious time for The New Day, which is something very overdue. I like this. I really think this is an added layer of what we have needed from a group of champions. We will have some really good storylines over the next month or so for them and will help them ultimately be more than just a fun comedy act. This could also help The Wyatt Family reach a new height, the height of a champion status.
A Main Event of 16
Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, The Lucha Dragons, Cesaro, Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn face off against Mark Henry, The Big Show, Jack Swagger, Zack Ryder, Apollo Crews, The Dudley Boyz and Kane. Aside from heels and faces teaming together, which would ultimately break down, you see a vast difference in teams.
The American team is all about guys who were in their prime years ago. Yes, you have Apollo Crews but the rest are guys that have a role and the fans know of their role. For the international teams, you have guys who are still in their prime and guys who have yet to reach it. I enjoyed the main event, but we knew what to expect. We had a 20 minute main event with little importance. I am wondering why this ended the night and not Dean/Seth storyline.
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