AJ Styles vs. John Cena

Money in the Bank had a dream match between John Cena and AJ Styles at Money in the Bank. The atmosphere was great and the fans were fully behind the chants and the match. John and AJ delivered a great match, one that focused on Cena keeping up with the more athletic and agile Styles.
Styles hits a suplex and throws him into the corner. John goes for his move set after the shoulder block, but Styles stops him. Styles blocks them all again and then Styles runs the ropes. Cena trips up Styles and locks him in the STF. Styles grabs the bottom rope.
Cena goes to dump AJ to the apron it looks like but AJ gets caught up in the ropes. Up top, Styles block an AA and then tries a forearm. Cena catches him, but yet another reversal and Styles locks in the Calf Crusher. John battles back, like usual, and hits an Attitude Adjustment. Styles kicks out. AJ ducks a shot and nails a Pele kick. AJ hits the Styles Clash and John Cena kicks out again. Cena ducks a kick and AJ blocks a STF. Another AA and the referee gets knocked down. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson run down to hit Magic Killer. They place AJ on top of Cena and the referee wakes up to count the pin. AJ Styles picks up the win.
A great match with both men feeling each other out. This was the best for their first and not last encounter. I liked the ring psychology, with both guys knowing to adjust their games and countering multiple attempts at the others’ offensive skills. When you see both men know each other, it gives the match a sign of respect. Both men are at the top of their games and I cannot wait to see more of them. I feel like Cena gets the win coming up with a third at SummerSlam. It helped Owens and could establish AJ if he trumps the “champ.”
Baffled at Titus vs. Rusev
They came out firing, but it slowed down pretty quick. Was it timing? Was it rushed? I am not sure, but I did not understand the booking of this match. You also had Rusev target Titus’ family, which tells me there is more to come with this feud. There HAS to be something else aside from the “American vs. Anti-American” storyline and maybe this could be it. I just am not sure the fans are caring that much about Titus. A good performer, but what else is he bringing to this feud? Is this the right call? I mean, he is the underdog. He is not establishes as a singles competitor and you are trying to rebuild Rusev again. Isn’t it a lose/lose situation for all involved?