MITB Opponents Main Event Raw

Del Rio suplexes Cesaro. Cesaro gets up and European uppercuts Del Rio. Del Rio falls into the corner. Cesaro hits three more uppercuts. Cesaro runs to the opposite corner and uppercuts Owens and dropkicks Jericho. Cesaro goes out on the apron and takes out Owens with a running senton. Cesaro gets back in the ring but is met by a double ax-handle off the top. Jericho, Del Rio, and Owens take turns beating down Cesaro. Del Rio hits a step up Enziguri for a two count. Del Rio tries to suplex Cesaro, but Cesaro reverses it and hits a struggle suplex. Zayn tags in and takes out Del Rio, Owens, and Jericho. Zayn hits a cross body off the top. Zayn sets up the helluva kick, but Owens pulls Del Rio under the rope. Jericho gets in the ring and tries to assault Zayn, but Ambrose tosses him over the top rope. The heels argue on the outside of the ring. Zayn dives over the top, taking them all out at once.
After another break, Owens suplexed Zayn onto the top rope. Owens followed that with a running senton for a two count. Owens tags in Del Rio, who lands a stiff kick to Zayn’s chest. Del Rio sets Zayn on the top rope in the tree of woe. Del Rio kicks Zayn in the gut. Jericho tags in, but misses his clothesline attempt. Jericho runs right into Zayn’s blue thunder bomb. Zayn tags in Ambrose, who floors Jericho with a running bulldog. Ambrose sets Jericho up on top rope for a superplex. Jericho pushes Ambrose off. Jericho dives off the top, but Ambrose kicks him in the gut and goes for dirty deeds. Jericho struggles out of it. Jericho goes for the code breaker, but Ambrose reverses it into his rebound clothesline. Before Ambrose hits it Jericho lands the code breaker. Owens tags himself in before Jericho can pin Ambrose. Ambrose kicks out. Zayn hits the helluva kick on Del Rio. Owens super kicks Zayn. Ambrose hits dirty deeds on Owens for the win.
A long main event, but a very entertaining match. Sometimes, the end of Raw can be just pure wrestling, pure talent and an overall understanding of the business. Promote your younger guys and one of these men as the potential next world champion in waiting. With that all being said, should Styles/Cena have ended the night? Potentially, yes. I think there is more of a cliffhanger there to end the night with than this, but I cannot complain that WWE is giving these guys plenty of time and plenty of exposure in the main event. Also, who gets the last spot? My bet is Randy Orton.