Reigns and Rollins Segment

Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring. Reigns says that Seth Rollins sold out and turns his back on The Shield. He talks about being “The Guy” and Seth calls himself “The Man.”Reigns calls him out and Rollins music hits. Rollins is about run to the ring but he stops himself. Rollins walks back to the stage and grabs a microphone, but does not say anything. He teases and ends up not doing anything.
This did not come off smart. I am not sure what they were trying to do, but it seemed like they are just going to tease the fans with interaction until Money in the Bank. You should not have them touch, but should cut promos on one another to further enhance the story that already has so much history to it. It’s good to see them interact, but there is much more to do with them.