Roman Reigns and The Uso’s vs. AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

After a short break Anderson is pounding on Jey. Insane spinebuster by Anderson for a two count. Styles tags in and levels Jey with a running clothesline in the corner. Styles walked right into a superkick by Jey. Jey tags in Reigns while Styles tags in Anderson. Reigns clotheslines Anderson. Reigns rolls to the outside and drive-bys Gallows. Styles tags in and tries to hit Reigns with the phenomenal forearm, but Reigns ducks. Reigns misses the Superman punch. Styles enziguris Reigns in midair. Jimmy tags in and cross body blocks Styles off the top, followed by a tossing Samoan drop. Anderson breaks up the pin. Gallows and Anderson hit the boot of doom on Reigns, sending him into the barricade in the process. Jimmy hits the ropes to to set up for a dive, but Styles springboards from the other side and almost decapitates Jimmy with the phenomenal forearm for the victory.
After the match Anderson and Gallows try to get Styles to hit Reigns with a chair. Styles refuses. The Usos get back in the ring and assault Styles with a chair. The Usos and Gallows and Anderson start to brawl. Styles grabs the chair and beats down the Usos. Reigns gets up and Superman punches Styles. Reigns tosses Styles to the outside and power bombs him through the announce table.
Great main event of Raw because they gave the victory to the right guys and gave us a better understanding of how they are going to be booked. Roman and The Uso’s are going to be in between, with some sympathy to the new crew. I really enjoyed that Roman was taken out, allowing AJ to pick up the win. You don’t need the champion to be pinned. You also needed him to get some revenge and look tough. Lastly, WWE still wants us to like AJ and think he is a good guy. When things go bad for him, such as getting a chair shot, you will slowly see more of his edgy side. Slow build, folks.