Wyatt and Reigns Team Up

Bray Wyatt tells Reigns he is going to start the match. Reigns reluctantly steps out to the apron. Bray knocks down Sheamus. Bray forces Sheamus into the corner before dragging him out with a short arm clothesline. Bray does the spider walk. Bray whips Sheamus into the corner. Reigns tags himself in. Bray and Reigns punch Sheamus in the corner. Bray tags himself in, but ends up getting clotheslined by Sheamus. Sheamus hits the Irish curse backbreaker, followed by a diving foot stomp by Del Rio for a two count. Sheamus slaps a rear chin lock on Bray. Bray muscles out of it. Bray tosses Sheamus over the top rope. Bray tags in Reigns who clotheslines Sheamus. Big boot by Reigns. Reigns calls for the Superman punch, but Sheamus rolls to the outside. Reigns follows him, but after a distraction by Del Rio, Sheamus tosses Reigns into the ring post.
Sheamus tries to go for the ten beats, but Reigns fights him off. Del Rio come out of nowhere and knees Reigns in the gut. Sheamus hits the ten beats. Del Rio tags in and enzuguris Reigns in the face. Alberto Del Rio puts Reigns in the tree of woe. Before Del Rio could land his double foot stomp Reigns tosses Del Rio off the top rope. Before Reigns could tag in Bray, Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus hits a running knee. Sheamus hits the ropes, but runs right into a Samoan drop by Reigns. Reigns tags in Bray who knocks Sheamus off the apron and uranage suplexing Del Rio. Bray calls for sister Abigail, but Del Rio reverses it. Bray hits the ropes and destroys Del Rio with a running cross body block. When the referee was distracted Rusev kicked Bray in the head. Bray fell right into the backstabber by Del Rio for a two count. The lights go out and Erik Rowan and Braun Stroman appear. They beat they heck out Rusev and toss him over the barricade. Del Rio goes for the cross arm breaker, but Bray turns it into sister Abigail for the win! Reigns and Wyatt stare at one another to end the night.
I hope this is a one night type of thing. It was interesting to see Bray team with someone else, but that takes away from his character. His mystique and his gimmick is all about him being this mysterious, intense and unique character. This humanizes him and I am not sure that is what we want from The Wyatt Family. Roman Reigns continues to get paired with guys who the fans love. A smart move, I guess? The main event was good but still had gaping holes of illogical booking.