Top 10 WWE Smackdown Episodes of All Time

  1. TLC III, May 24, 2001

This episode is considered the second best TLC match in history by most of fans. Still, it is a hot piece of entertainment, a must watch for every wrestling aficionado. The show was based on the original three TLC teams, the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian. Chris Jerico and Chris Benoit, the then-current tag team champions, were cherry on the top.

The match was thrilling and frightening. Jericho and Benoit added a zesty touch to the fray. The most memorable moment that will remain iconic was Benoit’s attempted diving headbutt from the top rope to the outside. Unfortunately, prone Matt Hardy rolled out of the way. Medics were forced to intervene and remove Benoit, who just crashed through the table, from the match.

After incredible wrestling and much further destruction, Benoit returned and won through insurmountable odds.