The Top Championships

Roman Reigns came out and talked about how he is not a good guy, not a bad guy, but is “The Guy.” What I loved about him speaking was that he was real and to the point. There does not need to be this ongoing conversation with a crowd that will just boo the hell out of you. By showcasing this slight character change, one similar to how he got over in The Shield, it makes the Fatal Four Way match to end Raw much more intriguing to me.
Hitting The Reset
24 hours before Raw ended, fans were extremely upset to see AJ Styles lose to Chris Jericho at WrestleMania. I was the first that could not make any sense out of it and still do not. With a Fatal Four Way match between him, Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens and Cesaro (thanks to Owens attacking Sami Zayn and taking him out), we got an incredible match to end the night. What I did not expect is that AJ Styles would pick up the win. A Styles Clash and a three count calms everyone’s minds and really helps establish Styles as a main event guy.
The bigger picture is that WWE now understands that Roman Reigns is going to be him. There will be some cheers, but mostly boos. That is not terrible though, as AJ Styles is “the alternative.” He is the guy that hardcore fans love, while the casual fans will still cheer for Roman. Is this the best of both worlds? I think so and I think this shows that a reset button was pushed tonight in many angles.