Whether it was smoking a cigar, drinking whiskey or chugging beers, New York was good to us. I even had a Lego set of CSR made for me. Really awesome stuff! Anyways, like usual, I was enjoying friends and the events we had, but the show was what was intriguing me the most. Undertaker vs. CM Punk. Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H. The Rock vs. John Cena. This card was loaded with talent and loaded with good storylines. Instead of being in the luxurious seating, a fan of the show bid $300 dollars to sit with me. Yeah, 300 bucks. Are you serious, BRO? I was shocked, complimented and weirded out for a minute. With my boy Boston Johnnie and a new friend, we all enjoyed the event. Yes, it was cold, but Undertaker vs. Punk warmed us up.
Looking back at the entire show, it was just as good as WrestleMania 28. The Shield debuted at WrestleMania in exciting fashion. Look at where they are at now, only three years later. Big E and Dolph Ziggler were thrown into a match with Team Hell No, which is forgettable. Yes, we had Swagger vs. Del Rio, a match that I had ZERO interest in. And, what about that EPIC Fandango vs. Chris Jericho bout? After filtering through these matches, Punk and Taker delivered. Brock Lesnar and Triple H was hard hitting, but the steam from the previous match was gone. They had a tough act to follow, similar to Triple H and Randy Orton after Michaels/Undertaker at 25.
The main event was The Rock vs. John Cena. Yes, it was not excellent. Yes, there were too many finishers and guys kicking out of it. (That needs to change, BTW) It seemed like a spot fest and a choppy match, but it was The Rock and John Cena. The names carry the actual match. It was more about the torch being passed to John Cena. The event may have lacked a real level of importance in history, but the spectacle was still there. You still felt the electricity in the stadium and around the city leading up.
Overall, friends and events were better than WrestleMania 29. It was quite the experience with thousands of my friends. I thought this would be the biggest and best time I could have at a WrestleMania weekend. I was 1,000% wrong. Who would’ve thought New Orleans would trump New York for me?
Tomorrow…New Orleans. That is enough of a teaser.