Roman Reigns vs. Bubba Ray Dudley

The match ends with no clear winner, but the physicality on the outside really helps Roman Reigns get back into the swing of things. I really enjoyed the silent assassin character he played tonight. He did not need to speak much, went out and showed us why he was so popular in The Shield. Keep it simple with Reigns and I will be happy. He targeted Bubba Ray and I was surprised NOT to see The Uso’s come out. I am glad they didn’t, however, because Roman took apart two guys by himself. I liked it. I enjoyed the intensity and his focus being on point. Say whatever you want, but he will come to WrestleMania to prove everyone wrong. As for Triple H, he just gets how to work with pretty much anyone. Maybe not what everyone wants to see, but a match I am certainly interested in.
Brock, The Wyatt Family and Dean Ambrose
Paul Heyman cuts a great promo about Dean Ambrose getting weapons from legends and how it will not matter at WrestleMania. He calls out Dean Ambrose, but The Wyatt Family surrounds the ring. Ambrose’s music hits and Lesnar attacks The Wyatt’s. He hits a few suplexes and then gets clotheslined by Braun. Ambrose has a Kendo Stick and unloads on Bray as he heads towards the ring. He uses it and hits Brock a few times with it before Brock Lesnar gets on the attack. He clotheslines Dean Ambrose and then hits an F-5 to end the night.
Simple and effective. You get the sense that WWE is going to go balls to the wall with the Street Fight. They are going to let Ambrose use whatever he gets his hands on, trying to slay the beast. I am still not sure how WWE plans to use The Wyatt Family, if at all at WrestleMania, but at least they are still involved somewhat. Nonetheless, I do think WWE needs to have Dean and Brock turn it all the way up on Monday. Show some backstage attacks, surprise attacks and really make us NEED to see how crazy the Street Fight can be.