Could It Be Saved?

Yes, Punk and Orton was really good. There were nice spots and solid timing, but it seems like all of Randy Orton’s non-title matches are the same at WrestleMania. He somehow gets beaten down over and over until an RKO out of nowhere gives him the victory. Did we care about Lawler and Cole? Did we care about Snooki? No.
The only saving grace from making this event better than a disaster was NOT The Miz vs. John Cena. It was NOT The Rock hitting a Rock Bottom and setting up John Cena vs. The Rock one year later. It was all about The Undertaker and Triple H. Yes, those two guys that are in the main events of this year’s WrestleMania. A story that was told so perfectly, with physicality and passion. When that match was over, I thought to myself “okay, this is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.” It was, however, the most forgettable WrestleMania I have attended.
Maybe it was because Chair Shot Reality was not where we wanted it to be…yet. Maybe it was because the show was below average. Maybe it was because we were gypsy cabbed and were offered donuts and drugs. Maybe it was because I decided to drive home in the middle of the night after attending a strip club with LaBar. Man, that night was rough. All in all, Atlanta started a trend going upwards. It was a blast, but I knew that this was just the beginning of something great with WrestleZone, Chair Shot Reality and CSR Wrestling’s brand.
It could only get better in South Beach… @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.
Check back tomorrow for The WrestleMania Diaries: WrestleMania 28