The Wrong Direction, Once Again

Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman was the main event of WWE Raw. With Shane, Undertaker or Brock Lesnar appearing in Philadelphia, WWE decided to let Ambrose get a DQ win over someone who is not even on the WrestleMania card. I am so over this crap. It is TWO WEEKS AWAY. Two weeks away from WWE really trying to fill AT&T Stadium with 100,000 people and the best part of the night had nothing to do with any of the three big man events.
By far, Styles and Owens was the best part of WWE Raw. Second was probably The New Day. That is scary. WWE usually forgets about the mid card and focuses on the main events. Is that a good thing? With two weeks to go, it is not. What is the point of Dean Ambrose fighting Braun? Just because he is big? That is a terrible reason. We need to see Ambrose slay a piece of the beast before WrestleMania. Paul Heyman doesn’t even cut a promo tonight? Think of how valuable he was last year to make us believe that Roman Reigns stood a chance. Why would we think Dean Ambrose has a chance? Just because it is a street fight?