Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz

A battle of two former world champions on Smackdown. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz are two guys with no direction, but plenty to offer. After a Dolph Ziggler superkick to secure the win, I begin to wonder if WWE will just throw these guys in the Battle Royal just to give it some former world champions involved. Do we care about a match with Social Outcasts, Zack Ryder and other lower card guys in a match like a Battle Royal? No. Do we remember how great it was for Damien Sandow to eliminate The Miz last year? So, there is a chance to develop some storylines in the Battle Royal match.
Maybe my appreciation of Dolph Ziggler and wanting him to be involved with Kevin Owens and an Intercontinental Championship match is not warranted. Can it happen? Yes. Will it? Probably not. With a backstage promo from Owens and AJ Styles, maybe WWE goes with Owens vs. Zayn vs. Jericho vs. Styles. Think of how great THAT match could be and the potential of two really personal storylines being just as important as the actual title they are battling for.
Can Golden Truth Work?
Goldust and Bubba Dudley go head to head on Smackdown. Yes, it is 2016 and yes both men are still peforming at a high level. I was critical of Goldust and R-Truth, but I do think there could be potential for WWE to make Golden Truth into something. Let’s face it, WWE left a void with Santino Marella years ago. Maybe these guys can fill it? They started rough and random, but a tag team like these two guys gives them something to do, right? Neither are shooting for a single’s championship anytime soon, so why not?
I am going to give it a month or two, but they need to be developed and established before trying to be too funny all the time. I do not want them involved with Uso’s and Dudley Boyz, especially since there is no championship to be fighting for. Maybe I just do not find them funny right now. But, they have talent.
With The League of Nations and The New Day battling and really enhancing their feud, I doubt that these three teams will be added to a championship match. I wouldn’t be against it on the pre-show card. Focus on the tag titles on the main, while developing two matches to kick off WrestleMania. Dudley Boyz and The Uso’s are good enough where they can adapt and kick things off in fun fashion.