AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho

Styles starts off hot and then rolls him up for a two count. Jericho slides out of the ring from an attempted Calf Crusher. Both men get into the ring and then lock up. A hurricanranna and then slaps across his chest give Styles the upper hand. Knee into the face of Jericho and a quick count. A dropkick from AJ and a snap suplex. Jericho sends him to the outside and then throws him into the barricade. Styles moves and Jericho hits the post. Styles tries to hit a cross body but Y2J hits a dropkick. Jericho hits a few clotheslines and then a corner splash. AJ hits an inverted offensive Russian Suplex move off the rope and tries to finish him with the Styles Clash. Jericho hits a kick to the back of his head for a two count. Face first splash and another two count.
Both men seem exhausted and have tried to one up the other. Styles hits a few kicks and gets hit with an elbow. Lionsault for a two count. Styles slips through an attempted superplex and then Jericho dropkicks the rope and knocks Styles off the rope. Styles hits a Pele Kick while Chris Jericho is up top. Jericho reverses him and tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho, which he does. Jericho hits a Codebreaker and Styles is able to hit Styles Clash for two. AJ applies the Calf Crusher and Jericho taps out.
This match was all about each man trying to one up the other, trying to plan and strategically reverse the other guy. It was great to see an emphasis on chemistry in the ring, hard hitting and the ability for each guy to execute their offensive arsenal. I loved the old school fight here. You had such a great combination of technicality and the few explosive moves. The ending was good, but Jericho should have attacked. You must give Styles the win and you must let Jericho look like a dastardly heel that made him so good for so many years. I see Styles winning the IC title in Dallas. Would you want to see Styles vs. Owens? I would not have had Jericho kick out of the Styles Clash, but that’s it.
Cutting Edge Peep Show
The New Day talks with Edge and Christian. They talk about their debut and how they sucked. They hit some nice digs on them and say that they tried to be like them by being entertaining. They say that they are better than all of the tag teams in the WWE. They beginto talk trash and out come The League of Nations. Sheamus says The New Day looks stupid and The New Day leave. The League of Nations force Edge and Christian to leave the ring. They taunt more and the segment is over.
Some laughs, but what was the point of that? Promoting a show on the WWE Network? How great would it have been to see The Dudley Boyz come out? The Uso’s? Make WrestleMania Tag Team Match tonight and give 3-4 teams a month to develop a really good storyline.
Curtis Axel and R-Truth had a match. So, there is that. Since WrestleZone does not have a graphic for a 0, I will give this a Tye Dillinger minus 10.