Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “New Feuds Aligning on Promising Path”

EC3 Finally Speaks

impact wrestling

The former champion talks about being undefeated and obsessed being champion. He talks about how he wanted to ride out the undefeated championship streak forever and was devastated when he actually lost. He says he is going to board a plane to the UK and bring hell to Matt Hardy

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Via WZ Coverage from Josh Lopez:

Reby distracts Angle and Hardy attacks him before the bell rings. Hardy with a running clothesline and a bulldog for a one count. Hardy kicks Angle in the stomach. Hardy distracts the referee and Tyrus attacks Angle. Hardy with a elbow to the back of the head of Angle. Hardy with a chin lock. Angle with a multiples clothesline to Hardy. Angle with a belly to belly suplex to Hardy. Angle with three German Suplex’s to Hardy. Angle with the Angle Slam to Hardy for a two count. Angle with the Ankle Lock and Hardy’s momentum whips Angle to the outside. Tyrus with a clothesline to Angle at ringside. Tyrus attacking The Pope. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Angle counters with a Angle Slam attempt.

Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate again, but Angle gets Hardy in the Ankle Lock. Hardy with the roll through for a one count. Hardy with a Side Effect to Angle for a two count. Hardy goes for a running clothesline, but Angle counters with the Angle Slam for a two count. Hardy and Angle exchange back and forth right hands. Hardy rakes the eyes of Angle. Angle with six consecutive german suplex’s to Hardy. Angle goes for a seventh german suplex, but Hardy gets his hands on referee Brian Hebner. Hardy with the Twist of Fate to Angle for a two count. Hardy in frustration goes for another Twist of Fate, but Angle lands another series of german suplex’s. Angle goes on top rope, but Tyrus and Reby distracts Kurt. Hardy with the Twist of Fate off the top rope to pickup the victory.

After an entertaining main event and a promo from EC3, TNA has put themselves in the driver’s seat for some exciting television over the next few months. They are doing everything right. They are building a monster heel. They are showing sympathy for a young contender who is now going to get such a pop when he returns. They are keeping a living legend in the ring right in the middle of a championship chase. All options are on point and they have plenty to work with involving these guys, Galloway, Bennett and others. 

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 7.5


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