Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “New Feuds Aligning on Promising Path”

Change of Champions


Tigre Uno is TNA’s Kalisto. The style of wrestling, the continued emphasis on leg strikes and kicking to ground an opponent and his mask are all similarities. Now, I think Kalisto is so much better overall than Uno. That is another story for another day, but Uno drops the title in a very entertaining X-Division Championship match. The new champion is Trevor Lee. This is his second championship in the company and is a 22 year old who has so much ahead of him in his career.

He is such a good competitor, but he does the little things that not many 22 year old wrestlers do. He focuses on his facial expressions, his motions and remains in character from curtain to curtain. He never skips a beat and is a guy that TNA can hope will do bigger and better things. Uno will always be consistent, but the X-Division is about chances and about building potential main event talent. Look at what it did with Austin Aries.

WZ 7.5

Next: Angle, Matt Hardy and EC3…


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