Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio vs. Kalisto and Dean Ambrose

Kalisto kicks things off and Dean Ambrose hits a dropkick. Ambrose and Kalisto hit a double team move to take out both men on the outside. Sheamus controls Kalisto and both men make hot tags. Ambrose unloads on Del Rio and then connects with a running elbow followed by a bulldog. He misses a top rope and then hits a neckbreaker. Del Rio is on the outside and then hits a Suicide Dive. Sheamus wears down Dean Ambrose. Dean continues to fight back, but Del Rio hits a backstabber.
After plenty of back and forth in this tag team match, Kalisto hits some excellent moves and the pace quickens immediately. Del Rio hits a distracted Ambrose on the outside, while Kalisto gets hit with a Brogue Kick for the win.
One thing really bothered me. Why did Kevin Owens mumble his words on commentary and we could barely hear him? The action, the crowd and the other three announcers completely drowned him out and it was his fault. He needs to speak up and be interesting. He bored the absolute hell out of me. The match itself was good and I am happy to see multiple hot tags and Kalisto getting a nice pop. Del Rio is in the best shape of his career and his new move set really helps him differentiate from the norm. I wish Kalisto didn’t drop the title, as he has proven to be consistent and over with the crowd. He is smooth and rarely misses a spot.