impact wrestling

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “The Beginning…Again”

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impact wrestlingImpact Wrestling found a niche at the end of 2015 with some really great matches. Tonight, on their debut, they delivered some good ones. EC3 and Lashley was physical and tolling on both men throughout. EC3 won and would move onto the finals. Matt Hardy and Eric Young always work well together and this was no exception. I just love the attention to details that both guys provide. I can see all four of these guys being in a main event picture for months to come, which is not a bad thing.

EC3 became the World Heavyweight Champion. As much as it would have been nice to see Matt back at the top, he just does not need it right now. EC3 needs it. The company needs the veteran chasing. It is always better when the face chases. With Lashley, I am not sure what they do with him. He should have been used as an attraction. Mock Brock. If you want to talk about his MMA background, go ahead. But, do not make him bitch out like he has for months in matches. It is not believable.

At the end of the night, I saw a lot of similarities but some slight changes. The next month of television will be extremely telling if they go back to their old days or a new beginning for this company is near. I hope for the latter.

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 5.5


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