The Next Feuds For Roman Reigns and The Wyatt Family

bray-wyattI have a new column for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review every Monday and Friday. Today’s books Monday Night RAW. Here’s an excerpt:

Having a great show is important, but even more so is how you follow it.

WWE had one of its best three episodes of RAW last week. The show had a sense of urgency and surprise. Following that episode with an equally exciting showing is how you cash in making the most of it. Fact is, based on the previous weeks’ performance, RAW has gone down in some viewers’ priority and some fans didn’t catch last week’s show live or at all. I have spoken to a few fans in Pittsburgh who missed it but heard about the surprising title change and appearance of Vince McMahon. So, they are set to tune in this week. Don’t disappoint them.

You have the attention of fans, hardcore and casual. WWE must strike while the iron is hot.

Monday Night RAW should start with Vince McMahon arriving at the arena. The numbers don’t lie, when he’s on television the viewing interest goes up. Show him arriving to immediately establish he’s going to be part of the show and then switch to the ring where there’s a hot match with hot characters. I’d suggest either the Lucha Dragons versus New Day in some capacity or The Wyatt Family.

The Lucha Dragons and New Days are entertaining in different ways. New Day with their dancing and talking. Lucha Dragons with their must-see style in the ring. Both quick to the point and grab the attention of the viewer.

The Wyatt Family is arguably as hot as ever, winning a few big, violent matches against credible extreme veterans. Holding them to appear on the top of one of the hours could be smart television. A new rivalry needs to begin for them. The rivalry doesn’t need to be a group of people, but most individuals seem unmatched going against the four of them.

The next feud for The Wyatt Family should be Brock Lesnar.

CLICK HERE for why Lesnar and next challenger for Roman Reigns.


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