Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Has Dolph Ziggler Gained Momentum Back?”

Where Does Dolph Ziggler Factor In?

smackdownThe main event of the night was Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler in a really competitive main event. With both men having such unique styles, they made it work and hit on all the right steps.

From WZ Live Coverage:

Ziggler and Owens brawl on the top rope. Owens with a german suplex to Ziggler. Owens with a running cannonball to Ziggler for a two count. Ziggler with a back elbow to Owens. Ziggler goes for the Famousser, but Owens ducks out of the way. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Ziggler counters with a superkick for a two count. Ziggler with right hands to Owens. Owens launches Ziggler to the outside. Ziggler is favoring his shoulder and the referee is checking on him. Owens rolls to the outside. Owens with right hands to the back of the head of Ziggler. The referee backs Owens up. Owens launches Ziggler over the announce table to cause the disqualification. After the match Ziggler dives onto Owens with rapid fire forearms. Owens irish whips Ziggler to the steel steps. Owens goes to Powerbomb Ziggler on the ring steps, but Ambrose comes out and a brawl insues. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Ambrose counters and gets Owens in the Dirty Deeds position and Owens rolls out of the ring. Owens superkicks Ziggler and heads to the back before Ambrose can get his hands on him. Ambrose picks Ziggler up. Ziggler connects with a superkick to Ambrose. 

Great main event as you either just read or saw. Where does Dolph fit into the equation? Is he being used a just a pawn between Ambrose and Owens? We know Kevin Owens will get his rematch, but is Dolph Ziggler going to cause some sort of DQ to put his name out there? Dolph is great as IC Champion, but they need to be careful. Dolph is so popular where he can easily outshine or make the fans NOT want to see Owens vs. Ambrose again.

In a perfect world, all three men vie for that title and state their case for being the head of that respected division. These three high profile guys are in a good spot right now. A spot where the mid-card championship could be the match that consistently steals the show.

*Note: The Reigns and Sheamus segment to kick off Smackdown was good. I wanted them to save his first BIG appearance as champion for Raw. They saved a bit of that for this coming Monday, which should really tell you where WWE will go from here with him.*

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Smackdown Rating:

WZ 5.5



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