Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Not Much Made Sense in Three Hours”

The Legends Appear

wwe rawShawn Michaels, Stone Cold and Ric Flair all appear on WWE Raw in segments to kick off the top of the hour. Stone Cold talked about being in Dallas and brought out The Undertaker. Shawn Michaels cut a good promo with Seth Rollins, comparing the two men and basically saying that Seth Rollins should become his own man, not a version of someone else.

Lastly, Ric Flair spoke about Roman Reigns and would be interrupted by The Wyatt Family.

All in all, the legends returned with a very little impact. Stone Cold did nothing. Ric Flair did less. The only one I enjoyed was Shawn Michaels, even though he was choking on a piece of pizza he ate from a fan. What Shawn Michaels said resonated to everyone backstage, talking about the difference between superstars then and now. He made Seth Rollins feel important, like he was “the man.” I would have liked to see Rollins get physical with him, but it was not completely necessary.

After all the publicity and hype for tonight, it just showed you that WWE is really hurting with developing new talent. Is there anyone on the active roster, aside from John Cena, that can have an impact like this just because they are “appearing” when they retire? It was nice to see them, but there was nothing more than just the music and crowd reaction that they were able to garner.

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The Return of Erick Rowan

When Roman Reigns was introduced by Ric Flair, The Wyatt Family came out. There was no Luke Harper, but Erick Rowan returned and sided with his former leader. They surrounded the ring and Reigns sat and talked with Bray in chairs. This was until he hit him and the segment fizzled out.

This was confusing as all hell. Barely mentioning Erick Rowan was stupid. No mention of where Luke Harper is was stupid. This entire segment made no sense to me and did NOTHING for me. Rowan is already a forgotten guy, so you do NOTHING to make him feel important or powerful? Instead, he gets hit with a chair and retreats. How is that a way to bring a guy back that really needed something big to happen to him.

I like the idea of Rowan being a fourth Wyatt Family member, but their competition is nowhere to be found. How do you develop feuds for them? They still, without a doubt, need championships around their waist to really get to the next level.

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