Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “It’s a Simple Science To Succeed”

Is It Finally Time For Robbie E?

impact wrestlingThere is no secret that I have been a fan of Robbie E for quite some time. He has this charisma oozing out of him every time he steps into the ring. With a smooth combination of speed and strength, he has the perfect balance for a world champion. That is why I really enjoyed him and Jesse Godderz together because both LOOK like CHAMPIONS.

Tonight may have been the first, and biggest step, for Robbie E in his chase to the top. Do I think he is a favorite? Absolutely not, but he should be heavily considered. A guy that crosses platforms of sports and entertainment, a great look and seemingly an even better “company guy.” Great skills and production put into his match with Eddie Edwards tonight that showcased just enough reason to consider him as a future top guy.


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