Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw Reaction “Heel Heat = Divas Success”

What Is Next For Seth, John and Kane

wwe rawUnited States Champion John Cena took on Seth Rollins in the main event. After a really good match, John Cena pins the champion clean once again. Seth Rollins looks defeated and tired, but his night was not over. From under the ring, Kane drags him “to hell.” The end of the night sees Rollins not being able to escape Kane’s grasp.

This split personality thing is ridiculous. I, nor anyone else, want to see Corporate Kane. Whoever thought of this idea needs to be punched in the face. Let Kane be Kane, the guy that caused hell over the past 15 years. 

Seth vs. Kane will ultimately happen, right? What about John Cena? Who is next for him? Heck, I would love him to put over Cesaro, giving the Swiss Superman an opportunity at developing a long feud. He does not need to be a heel either. Let each guy work together with what they do best. 

In the long run, I expect Cena to face someone for a month or two we have already seen before. One can hope they do something different, but the end of the night showed me that WWE really cares about how Kane and John Cena are portrayed.

WZ 5.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 5.5



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