Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Last Stop Remains Hot For SummerSlam”

Quick Hits

amell-stardust-Stardust is so weird, but so good. I love his ridiculously over the top promos and his laugh. He goes from insane to serious back to insane in the snap of your fingers.

-King Barrett seemed random, but it is more about how Steven Amell comes off on Sunday. I am hoping for the best, giving us a few spots and really using his gimmick to our enjoyment.

-Divas Revolution has a good night on Raw and all you need to know is this: NXT Champion made the WWE Divas Champion TAP OUT! If you think they care more about Nikki than some of the NXT women, you are wrong. She will always be successful on Total Divas.

WZ 6


 Undertaker and Brock Lesnar Hype SummerSlam

The Undertaker cuts a promo backstage, saying that the gates of hell are welcoming Brock Lesnar to hell. He says that his name has been called and at SummerSlam he will never Rest in Peace.

The end of the night is the homecoming for Brock Lesnar. 

Via Ford Fischer and WZ Live Account:

“Paul Heyman does his normal shtick with a few changes for the local crowd, mentioning Brock’s accomplishments at the University of Minnesota before bringing out the Mayor of Suplex City himself to a GIGANTIC ovation!  Paul Heyman even so far as to break into song, doing a parody of “The Saints Go Marching On” with Lesnar themed lyrics…which is interrupted by THE GONG.  The lights go out and suddenly Paul Heyman is seemingly gone, but soon reveals it was a joke played on the fans.  Heyman goes on to say Undertaker could get God and The Devil to team up with him and still would not have a chance against Brock Lesnar.  

Undertaker’s gong finally goes off and it’s real!  Undertaker is in the ring and hits an uncharacteristic Low Blow to Lesnar as the lights come back on.  He then plants Lesnar with a Chokeslam, looking more determined than ever to win a match.  He calls for the Tombstone as Lesnar staggers to his feet, dropping him right on his neck and leaving him for dead in the middle of the ring.  The ominous blue lights cut on and ‘Taker does his pose with the tongue out to a big chorus of boos from the crowd.”

This is not about who the heel is and who the face is. I love that The Undertaker being dirty, getting a cheap shot in. This shows respect that he knows he cannot beat Brock by playing by the rules. Nobody can.

Man, Paul Heyman just crushes the promos. There is nothing like it and may never be a manager at his caliber. He says the same thing over and over but keeps it fresh and unique. I would have liked more theatrics instead of Undertaker just appearing in the ring, but it did what it needed to do.

From top to bottom, this could be the best SummerSlam in recent memory. The best one ever? SummerSlam 2002, where Brock Lesnar main evented. Coincidence?

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 7



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