Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “What is The Point of GFW?”

Lei’D Tapa vs. Awesome Kong

impact wrestlingTwo of the biggest Knockouts do battle on the GFW vs. TNA episode of Impact Wrestling. It ends up in a No Contest, as both women continue to fight outside of the ring. This will never be the prettiest or technically sound feud, but I felt like the presence of both women in the ring was a nice sight to see. You can see the power and the intensity that both women possess.

Tapa’s time in TNA seemed too short lived and I was disappointed. She should have been featured more, more spotlight on her and not who she was with. She can do the Samoan Drop, is quick enough for a 5-10 minute match that is not just power move after power move and has a really unique look. I hope this means we see more of her and more of her feuding with Kong.

WZ 5.5

Rockstar Rolls On

Rockstar Spud is confronted by Bobby Roode, who is upset that Austin Aries is gone from TNA. He continues to bash Spud after talking about his accomplishments and says he means nothing to him. This prompts Spud to get a cheap shot in on Roode, but that only enrages him even more. He attacks and locks in a really good looking Crossface until the refs try to split them apart.

I think Spud “gets” professional wrestling, but I just do not love his gimmick. The suits and bowties make me think he is more of a sideshow than an actual  performer. The gimmick does not make him look like a rockstar, but more of a clown. Not to his fault at all, but if TNA wants to build him to something important or serious, make him look it.

WZ 5.5


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